• http://virtuelcampus.univ-msila.dz/vrfsfcfg/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/univvvvv-620x330.png

   Pursuant to executive decree No 12/361 of October 08, 2012, amending and completing the executive decree No 01/274 of September 18, 2001 establishing Mohamed Boudiaf University in M’sila, and pursuant to the inter-ministerial decision of August 24, 2004 establishing the administrative organization of the University, faculty, institute, its annexes and common services Administration.

the Vice-rectorate of Development, Foresight and Guidance is responsible for:

  1. Collecting the necessary elements to prepare the projects of university development plans.
  2. Carrying out a prospective study about the expectations to increase the number of students at this university and propose the measures to provide a better education environment  especially in developing the pedagogical supervision.
  3. Being responsible for the statistical card of the university and keeping it updated periodically.
  4. Preparing the media supports in the field of education courses ensured by the university and its professional opportunities.
  5. Providing all the information that will help Students to choose their objective.
  6. Promoting the student Information activities.
  7.  Follow-up the construction programs and ensure the implementation of the university’s equipping programs by continuously communicating with the concerned departments.

It comprises the following services:

  • Service of Statistics and Foresight.
  • Service of Counseling and Information.
  • Service of follow-up  of University construction and equipping programs.