The wilaya of M’Sila offers many tourist sites. Bou-Saâda is without doubt the city that attracts the most attention from foreign tourists with its dunes, its palm groves, its old Medina, the tomb of Nasreddine Dinet, the old Ksar, Fort Cavaignac, the Ferrero mill, the Souk of crafts or the Zaouia of El Hamel, place of the sanctuaries where Mohammed Ben Belgacem, founder of the Zaouia Rahmania and his daughter Lalla Zineb rest. The Kalâa des Béni Hammad from Hammad ibn Bologhine to Maadid, the Roman ruins of Khoubana and M’cif or the cave paintings and prehistoric drawings of Sidi Ameur and Ben S’Rour. And also with the small villages of the ksab where there is Sidi Mansour. The thermal springs of Belaribi and Hammam Dhalaa are renowned for their beneficial effects against rheumatism, gynecological and skin diseases.

The Wilaya of M’Sila is particularly recognized for its tailoring know-how.