Picture of Head of Mathematics Department

Head of Mathematics Department

The head of the department is responsible for the pedagogical and administrative management of the department and exercises hierarchical authority over the staff under his responsibility.

He is assisted by two deputy heads of the department:

Deputy Head of the Department in Charge of Undergraduate Teaching and Education

This deputy head is responsible for the following tasks:

  • Monitoring student registration and re-registration processes for undergraduate studies.
  • Ensuring the proper conduct of teaching.
  • Ensuring the proper conduct of exams and knowledge assessment tests.

Deputy Head of the Department in Charge of Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research

This deputy head is responsible for the following tasks:

  • Ensuring the proper conduct of postgraduate teaching.
  • Ensuring the monitoring of research activities.
  • Ensuring the proper functioning of the department’s scientific committee.
Picture of Deputy Head of the Department in Charge of Undergraduate Teaching and Education

Deputy Head of the Department in Charge of Undergraduate Teaching and Education

Picture of Deputy Head of the Department in Charge of Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research

Deputy Head of the Department in Charge of Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research

The training programs at the faculty are divided into two departments: the Department of Computer Science and the Department of Mathematics, focusing on two levels of education: the first level (Bachelor’s) and the second level (Master’s).


  1. Mathematics
  2. Applied Mathematics
  3. ‫‪Applied Mathematics + Quantitative Economics


  1. Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
  2. Functional Analysis
  3. Mathematical and Numerical Analysis
  4. Partial Differential Equations
Full NameRank
Boudaoud AbdelmadjidProfessor
Zeddam LemnouarProfessor
Moussai MadaniProfessor
Nadir MostafaProfessor
Ben Hamidouche Nour-EddineProfessor
Mezrag LahceneProfessor
Amroune AbdelazizProfessor
Mihoubi EldouadiProfessor
Achour DahmaneProfessor
Drihem EldouadiProfessor
Selt OmarProfessor
Saadi KhalilProfessor
Merzougui AbdelkarimProfessor
Arioua YassineProfessor
Ben Oum Hani MoussaProfessor
Nouiri IbrahimProfessor
Midoune Nour-EddineAssociate Professor A
Djriou AissaAssociate Professor A
Gagui BachirAssociate Professor A
Sengouga AbdelmouhcineAssociate Professor A
Touaheria MessaoudAssociate Professor A
Tellab AbdelhamidAssociate Professor A
Khairani AminaAssociate Professor A
Ghodbane NasserAssociate Professor A
Saadi AbderachidAssociate Professor A
Mokhtari AbdelHakAssociate Professor A
Bougherara IbrahimAssociate Professor A
Bouafia DahmaneAssociate Professor A
Saadaoui ElKheirAssociate Professor A
Dilmi MustaphaAssociate Professor B
Abdelkbir SaadAssociate Professor B
Ballaada AbdelAzizAssociate Professor B
Habboub LakhdarAssociate Professor B
Bounab NouraAssociate Professor B
Jaijaa El NouiAssociate Professor B
Mihoubi FaridAssociate Professor B
Belaala El MaâtouguiAssociate Professor B
Mokhtari RabehAssociate Professor B
Hamidi KhaledAssistant Professor A
Ladjlat LahcenAssistant Professor A
Delloum WahibaAssistant Professor A
Maazouz AhmedAssistant Professor A
Ben Medour Mohamed OurabahAssistant Professor A
Blizak ElTaherAssistant Professor A
Lakhal AissaAssistant Professor A
Serguine HouriaAssistant Professor A
Chadi KhalifaAssistant Professor A
Abdelaziz HilalAssistant Professor A
Khadraoui AbdelmalekAssistant Professor A
Latrech FaïzAssistant Professor A
Dechousha NoureddineAssistant Professor A
Seghiri FakhreddineAssistant Professor A
Nadji NajatAssistant Professor A
Brahimi Mehdi TaherAssistant Professor A
Lebbad KhawlaAssistant Professor B
Bouhafs RadiaAssistant Professor B
Mekdour FatehAssistant Professor B