“Ibtikar” Campaign at the University of Mohamed Boudiaf in M’sila

Today, on Sunday, the university of M’sila organized a scientific event about the Platform of “Ibtikar” sponsored by the Directorate of Scientific Research and Technological Development, at the auditorium of Iben El Haitham at 10:00 am.

This scientific event is part of the national awareness campaign organized by the Directorate of Scientific Research and Technological Development from November 28 to December 16 to introduce the platform of innovation and identify the various important services available to professors and graduating students researchers. This event was organized by a team from the Center of Research for Mechanics of Constantine

Both of the researchers Dr. Hichem Chorfi, Ambassador of Scopus Platform, for the international scientific publication, and Zerouki, who confirmed that the aim of the platform of “Ibtikar” is to help students to prepare their researches. Which is available through providing data analysis and measurement service.

The most important issues discussed during this event  :

Explain how to sign up in the platform via the official website of the Research Center

How to search on the platform

Identify the most important tools provided by the Research Center

At the end, discussion opened to answer the questions of the laboratories managers and students.