University Habilitation
- Decision No. 804 dated July 14, 2024, which specifies the methods of implementing the provisions related to obtaining academic qualification
- Decision No. 933 dated July 20, 2016, which specifies the rules related to the prevention and combating of plagiarism
- Decision No. 170 dated February 20, 2018, which specifies the methods of implementing the provisions related to obtaining academic qualification
Doctorate Degree - LMD
- Decision No. 423 dated July 6, 2014, which includes the qualification of higher education institutions to ensure training for obtaining a PhD degree and specifies the number of open positions
- Decision No. 961 dated December 2, 2020, which specifies the methods of joining the training in the third stage, organizing it, and the conditions for preparing and discussing a doctoral thesis
- Decree No. 191 establishing the organization of postgraduate training for the purpose of obtaining a doctorate
- Decree No. 345 establishing the organization of postgraduate training for the purpose of obtaining a doctorate
- Decree No. 329 of May 5, 2014, establishing the organization of postgraduate training for the purpose of obtaining a doctorate
- Executive Decree No. 08-265 of August 19, 2008, on the requirements for obtaining a Bachelor's, Master's, and Doctorate degree
- Decree No. 704 of June 16, 2016, which specifies the procedures for joint international supervision of doctoral theses and how to organize them
Master's Degree - Doctor of Science
- Decree No. 90 of April 12, 2003, establishing the procedures for organizing the Master's degree competition
- Decree No. 201 of October 31, 2005, establishing a procedure for the joint supervision of theses
- Decree No. 153 of May 14, 2012, establishing the central file of dissertations and theses
- Decree No. 131 of June 6, 2005, establishing the procedures for organizing doctoral training within a doctoral school
- Decree No. 98-254 of August 17, 1998, Relating to Doctoral Training
- Executive Decree n°10-231-07
- Decree No. 5 of January 11, 2005-2
Scientific Research
- Arrete-N°1273
- Circulaire-N°02-du-20-02-2018
- Circulaire-n°06-du-09-dec.-2019
- Décret executif-08-130 portant-statut-particulier de l'enseignant chercheur
- Décret executif-08-131-poratnt-statut-particulier-du-chercheur-permanent
- Decret-executif-n°01-296-correspondant-au-01-octobre-2001-modifiant-le-decret-executif-n°92-22-du-13-janvier-1992-portant-creation-organisation-et-fonctionnement
- Decret-executif-n°08-237-correspondant-au-27-juillet-2008-fixant-la-composition-et-le-fonctionnement-du-conseil-national-de-la-recherche-scientifique-et-technique
- Decret-executif-n°10-232-du-02-octobre-2010-fixant-les-conditions-dexercice-des-activites-de-recherche-par-lenseignant-chercheur
- Decret-executif-n°13-109-correspondant-au-17-mars-2013-fixant-les-modalites-de-creation-et-de-fonctionnement-de-lequipe-de-recherche
- Decret-executif-n°19-231-du-13-aout-2019
- Décret-exécutif-n°-21-144-du-17-avril-2021
- Décret executif-n°99-243-du-31-octobre-1999-fixant-lorganisation-et-de-fonctionnement-des-comites-sectoriels-permanents-de-recherche-scientifique
- Decret-executif-n°99-244-correspondant-au-31-octobre-1999-fixant-les-regles-de-creation-dorganisation-et-de-fonctionnement-du-laboratoire-de-recherche.
- Decret-executif-n°99-257-correspondant-au-16-novembre-1999-fixant-les-modalites-de-creation-dorganisation-et-de-fonctionnement-des-unites-de-recherche.
- Decret-executif-n°99-258-du-novembre-1999-fixant-les-modalites-dexercice-du-controle-financier-a-posteriori-sur-letablissement-public-scientifique