The Deputy Director of Higher Education for Bachelor’s and Master’s Programs, Continuing Education, Diplomas, and Undergraduate Education at Mohamed Boudiaf University, M’sila, informs that special case processing will be conducted from September 2 to September 10, 2024, through a dedicated online platform for the following cases:
Reintegration Requests: 1.1 Suspended Training Beneficiaries: For students who benefited from a suspension of training (academic leave) during the 2023-2024 academic year, requesting reintegration for the 2024-2025 academic year. 1.2 Students Who Have Discontinued Training: For students who have discontinued training and meet the conditions for applying the LMD system according to Decision 171 dated February 9, 2023, and Decision 1023 dated July 25, 2023, which define the registration and re-registration procedures for obtaining Bachelor’s, Master’s, State Engineer, and Architect degrees, as well as the organization, evaluation, and progression in these programs.
Registrations with a Baccalaureate Before 2024: 2.1 Unregistered Baccalaureate Holders: For those who obtained their baccalaureate before 2024 and have not made any university registration since then. 2.2 Registered but Not Holding a University Degree: For those who obtained their baccalaureate before 2024, registered for university, and exhausted the allowed study period of five (05) years (according to the LMD system conditions from Decision 171 dated February 9, 2023, and Decision 1023 dated July 25, 2023). 2.3 Baccalaureate Holders with a University Degree: For those who obtained their baccalaureate before 2024, obtained a university degree, and have completed five (05) years since graduation.
Note: Registration is subject to pedagogical conditions and minimum averages for admission to the field or department of training for the year of obtaining the baccalaureate, and within the limits of available pedagogical seats.
Cancellation of Registration: For students wishing to cancel their registration (withdrawal of academic file).
Note: All requests should be submitted via the online platform from September 2 to September 10, 2024, as the final deadline.
Platform link: